I have been using the term "Truman Democrat" lately. It is a moniker my older VFW colleagues gave me. They are all pretty much conservative Republicans, and said I was the only Democrat they would vote for. And then an older vet said that I was a political animal everyone thought was extinct: A Truman Democrat.
What is a "Truman Democrat"? It's an American who loves America, will fight for it, won't apologize for it, and thinks it is the greatest country ever. But for it to be worthy of that love and respect, it must work for EVERYONE. And when I say everyone, I mean Everyone, just like Truman meant when he went to the 1947 NAACP convention, the first President ever to do so. The NAACP was considered a radical organization at the time, but Harry Truman said he was going to make America work for everyone. He said it over and over again, and he meant it.
Truman integrated the civil service, the military, and let Dixiecrats walk away because of his civil rights policies in 1948. He let them walk even though everyone said it would cost him the election. That's just one example of what I mean.